Friday, September 25, 2009

One Person, One Life


These are all questions that we can ask our selves as we look back at the people that we have had in our lives. Some good decisions to leave some bad, a while lot of what ifs! This goes for everything in life, fighting, friends, and relationships.
I look back at some of my high school and college " friendships" and all i can say is " Damn, I sure am glad i got outta that when I did." No offence to anyone but if I was still hanging out with all these people and doin what they did I would be nowhere in life, just like them. Alot of people get comfortable doing the same things, over and over again and next thing they know 5 years have passed and they're rooted in the same place... I moved on, some would say it was for the better, in this situation those people are completly right.

In other situations in our lives we come across people that help us grow, that contribute in a positive way. This sometimes may come as a blessing in disguise. An example of this, An ex girlfriend of mine towards the end of high school cheated on me and got pregnant. At the time I fucking hated her, the guy she cheated on me with and the world for that matter. I quickyl got over this one. Actually I would like to take the time out of the topic and say "thank you." You helped me realize how much of a slut this girl was and aslo, it wasnt my baby!! yes... No but on some real shit, there's no hate in my blood so I honestly hope they are both doing the best. So the positive of this situation was that I grew more as aperson and experienced something in life that alot of others wouldn't. Along with the positive also comes the negative, I have trust issues right off the bat. I know this isnt fair but instead of starting with a level playing field when I meet someone they're already in the hole. Its like they have to prove themselves to me. I know this is wrong yet that past expirence still rests in the back of my mind. Blame the pregnant bitch and homewrecking guy...

Ever been so in love with someone that everytime your phone rings your hoping its them? Everyday they are the first and last thing that you think about? Every little thing that you see in everyday life reminds you of that person? Naw? Me neither, until about a year ago. Its funny how we let other poeple dictate our own personal happiness. This may not be right but iit is what it is. A simple phone call can make or break someone's day. You get that call and its all good, cant wait to see you, blah blah... and the rest of your day is cake. But if you get that call and its an argument or an all badconvo , your day might drag on and other things might turn out bad in reflection to that one bad conversation. When you have strong feelings toward someone, you allow them love you, you allow them to hurt you, and most of the time its the later.

Hang out with the wrong crowd, wrong path.

Love the wrong person, wrong path.

Surround yourself with successfull people, and you too will succeed.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Right Where We Left Off

About a week or so ago me and my girlfriend got into a conversation about friends and their relationships and how you can so far some someone distance wise and still feel so close to them.  As well as the opposite, have friends that are a 5 min drive away but either lose touch or feel soo distant and not know about the new things in each others lives.

I just arrived in Las Vegas and was picked up from the airport by my good friend Jc, Jacob, Jacob Cherrington, Jacob Garcia. Yea its all the same person, he goes by a lot of different names, why? shit I don't even know, and he's my friend! Anyways point is that he's a close friend that I had the opportunity to meet and establish a relationship through fighting.  In the short period of time that he moved to San Francisco we became very close (no homo) and good friends.

I had a fight scheduled in Hawaii about 3 months after meeting and training with him, I asked him to come with.  He didn't think twice about the situation, no hesitation he was there to corner me. He's that type of guy... He's very knowledgeable about MMA and  surrounds himself with people who have achieved the goals that I have set for myself. 

Enough with building his character up, lol I was just trying to give you an idea as to what he is about.  After not seeing him for over a year, he picks me up at the airport. Im standing curbside looking for McLovin, his jeep, and yes it has a name. Instead he pulls up in a clean blk BMW. Wtf right, its his girlfriend Wendy's car, she's out of state so he gets to use the car. Anyways got kinda side tracked, as soon as I get in the car I swear its the same as it was when he was living in SF. We literally picked up right where we left off.  I know I had a conversation with my gf about that a week ago but, it was all talk for me I never experienced this until now...

We also picked up right where we left off as far as training as well.  Tomorrow morning i will wake up and get a run in and then spend the day training and supporting a friend that will be competing in grapplers quest.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Test The Waters

I know I have a long way to grow and mature as a fighter, but there's next 5 days will be a big test for me and my carrer. I will be training with the top of the top. I'm talking Forrest Griffen, Tyson Griffen, Gray Maynard, Sean Tompkin, ect. That's just to name a few. I will be in the Mecca of the MMA world, Las Vegas!!  My manager and very close friend Jc lives, and fights out in Vegas, so today I am flying out to vegas to meet up with him and train with his crew for 5 days. This comes at a critical time considering I am only one week away from  the next time I step into the cage.

This past month has been a frustrating and busy month for me. Although I have so many people willing and wanting to help me  succeed around me I have not been able to take full advantage of this. One of my biggest problems is I bottle everything up inside and try to deal with it in other ways,( thanks dad)! With acting like I really don't care that my grandmother is not doing so well or acting like work is totally 100% fine, at times I feel the complete opposite.  I do care dearly about my grandmother and wish only the best for her, I don't want her to suffer at all or and uncomfort but i still can' t bring myself to visit her and see her doing so bad on a regular.  I'm not one for excuses at all so don't take it as one!!  This trip that I am about to embark on has a lot of meaning besides just the regular vegas trip, trust.  Its not about the bright lights, strip clubs or alcohol!   Its time to get real serious and TRAIN!

So the plan is touch down in Vegas, go grocery shopping and then call it a night and start in early in the morning with one thing on my mind, fighting.  I named this blog test the waters because that is just what i'm going to do. I have been hearing it for so long, " kid you got talent" ," you have a lot of potential"  an d" your gonna be on the big  screen someday"!  These things are all nice to hear but guess what, now is my time, to prove it to myself! To thank those who have stood by me and believed in me the whole time through the tuff times and all. And also for those who have had doubt in me. I dont do to prove others wrong, I do them for me! And at the best of my ability for me....

This trip i plan on training with some of the best in the game. Not to workout along side of them, not to take pictures or ask for autographs, to train WITH them. I know I am skilled I know  I can hang with these guys and I know that my big break/ fight is here around the corner a fight or two in the future. This trip is just a stepping stone closer to the ultimate goal, its just a trip where it will be dedicated  solely to doing something I love. I am going to push myself harder than I ever have before, going to take my career to the next level, if your with me hop aboard if not, get the fuck of the train because its leaving and not slowing down or looking back.

Overall feeling is very excited! im ready to get to vegas already and do this....  

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Friday!! Ok so friday was a little bit different than a regular training session, we did things backwards that day for a change of pace. My training session started with 12 rounds of Muay Thai sparing... fun stuff!! Nothing wakes you up in the morning like getting punched in the face. I started off going with a young aspiring amature who is plannng on doing his first smoker after training along side me and rodney for almost 3 years now. This kid has alot of potential, just needs to listen and take the advice in and change his game. Oh did I mention that he can take a fucking beating!!! So anyways we started off sparring and did a round robin, so 7 rounds straight where I stayed in and had to spar with a fresh(rested) partner every time. After i got through my 7 rounds I was switched to being in every other round. Towards the end of the sparring session, it was me and rodney paired up again, this is always fun, we have some of the best battles ever. We start out both feeling eachother ot because we definately respect eachother.... we start to pick up the pace, the punches start flying, heads start being whipped around. The bell rang and the round ended but the punches did not. Our other training partners were trying to indicate us of this as we both stare dirrectly at eachother and continue to wail away. I tuck my chin in and start to unleash punches, working combinations from the body to head and back. Let me remind you that this is supposed to be a light sparring session, it has now turned into a full sparring session where we should be wearing head gear and 16oz gloves.

Strange thing was in the midst of all this punching and getting punched, one thing ran through my mind, DAMN THIS IS FUN!! I felt that this is what I have grown to love, with fists flying towards me and landing alot more than not, I realized that there was no place I would rather be at that time!! I fucking loved it... when it was over we both gave eachother a "good shit" look and embraced with a quick hug(no homo). If ou were just in the same sparring war that we were in you would totally understand!

Sparring was over and now it was time for Thai pads. After 12 rounds of sparring trust me Thai pad and mits are the last things that would be on your mind but it had to get done. We did 5 rounds of mits and they were 5 of the cleanest rounds that we (me and rodney) have done togather in a while. No pressure or anything since we were only being filmed for footage to the website. Fuck a website, not to be cocky but we should make an instructional Dvd for that shit Mastering the Mits 2009. Yea it was that good! And dont be suprised if we do make a dvd coming out sometime later this year, but I will keep you posted on that. I finished training and it was time for conditioning with the other MMA fighters there training.

6 rounds of conditioning. after about the second or third round of it I felt as if i was going to puke. Thank god for a second wind! I found it somewhere deep down inside to finish the rounds and push myself as hard as I could so I could get the most out of the workout. And thats exactly what I did, Lost 4.5lbs in my two and a half hour workout!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 1 of 25

Today is the first day of my 25lbs in 25 days, this morning I woke up hopped on the scale and said "Damn, this is gonna be a long month" hahaha . took a second looked back down at the scale and thought to myself, what have I got myself into? Those thoughts we quickly over shadowed by my voice, I said out loud to myself, " I've been here before, I've done this before and I will do it again!!" Negative thought and failure is not an option I want this too much! So with my gf still in a deep sleep in bed I went to the spare bedroom, my gym.

I hit the pavement, well not litterally I just turned on the treadmill and ran for 3 miles, cranked up the space heated that I have and ran. So about 20 min and change later I took a quick shower and ate a ceral bar for breakfast. Lay back down in bed for about 30 min then on the road. Drop the gf off at work and then straight to training.

I get to the gym, change and start to stretch. I warmed up with 3 boxing rounds on the bag as I waited for rodney my stand up coach to be done teaching his 9am class. When he was ready, we started, slowly and then picked up the pace as we got deeper into the rounds. We did 4 rounds of mitts ( just boxing) and then followed those rounds with 6 of thai pads, every round starting with 50 left and 50 right kicks. As I got deeper into the 7th round on I can feel fatigue start to set in, that's when I really started to fucus more on technique and let my instinct kick in. After ten rounds on the pads and 3 rounds on the bag, I returned to the bag for a lil extra 50 power right kicks and 50 knees. Almost done with the morning session, Conditioning... one round of kettle bell sprints, not bad right, but after that one of my trainers assisted me in doing some leg conditioning. This is to get your legs used to taking kicks and hits. So pretty much all i do is stand there and let him kick me over and over again in the quad! Fun right, but it gets better, then after 25 on each side he moves the kick up towards my ribs and what do I do still stand there with my hands above my head taking the kicks!! This is supposed to help you both with your breathing and knowing when and how to exhale upon impact. Followining this was just 100 push ups and 100 sit ups... Morning session over.

After training I did some grocery shopping, my list consist of fruits, green vegetables, and chicken. When shopping was completed I made some chicken salad mix and ate this for lunch and washed it down with nothing other than water. It is currently the afternoon and I still have to hit the gym one more time to run, and do some circut training with weights. I have to get to work, so this will conclude day one, stay tuned...

Monday, May 4, 2009

25lbs in 25 Days

Ok, so im 25 days out until my next fight and I HAVE to lose 25 more pouds to make weight!! Ya I know 25 lbs, wtf right? I have had alot of people tell me i wasnt going tp do it!! Fuck that im doing it, even if it means 6:00 am runs, long days at the gym coming home past midnight and sauna till i prune up like a plumb, im doing it!! Im willing to do everything and anything to get back into fight shape and make my weight cut so I can perform well in my fight. So I was talking to a few or my training partners and friends and they thought it might be an interesting topic for me to blog about. My 25 day journey to the weigh ins for my fight! So here it is, it will also reflect as a daily journal for me so I can record progress, workouts, and meals. The following blogs will have all of that and more as i strive to shead the unwanted pounds....

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blog Intro

No I'm not Anderson Silva, George St. Pierre or even Tyson Griffen. My name is Kyle Rideau, more than likely you haven't heard about me, maybe you have. One thing that I can say is you will hear about me. I am a pro fighter based out of the San Francisco Bay Area and I train at fight out of FTCC in Daly City. Just trying to live the dream. This blog will give you the readers an inside look at the behind the scenes of pro fighting. It will reflect both what is going on in my head and also what I have to do to prepare for battle. It will also give the reader a realistic look at the fight game, both the good and the overlooked bad!! Hope this blog is both informative and also entertaining as you come along for the ride. Thank you everyone for all the support! Enjoy..